At the end of 19th century, the residents of the old village of Osenovo move their homes, stone by stone, to a new place. Nowadays, the village of Osenovo is located approximately 6 or 7 km south-east of of the former one, by a river that has not been named even today.
Its population consists in its greatest part of Bulgarians who escaped from the Turkish conquerers. According to unconfirmed data, those had been residents of the villages near the town of Bratsigovo or of the Chepinski area, who firmly objected to accepting the Islam as their religion. Escape having been their only choice, they searched for a place to settle far from the routes passing next to rivers. They chose a place at the end of the western part of the Rhodopes and it is there that they established the village which they call Osenovo.
A breathtaking view to the river of Mesta and the Pirin Mountain reveals from the old village, which is situated on the west slope of a low mountain ridge. With the increase of population, part of it moves to establish a new village of the same name, near Blagoevgrad. Some people say that the village of Osenovo, situated a few kilometres away from Varna, had also been established by residents of the old village.
According to Dimitar Gadzhanov, in 1916, out of 80 families in Osenovo, only 3 or 4 disabled women beggars were left, and the village was in ruins.
Interesting facts:
In 2005, heirs living in all parts of Bulgaria built the ‘St Mary’s Assumption’ Chapel, replacing the church in the old village of Osenovo. Above today’s village, there is a slope of limestone rocks, called Saint Elijah by the local people. According to the legend, each year, the day before Saint Elijah’s Day, up from the woods, deer used to descend to that place; people used to catch it and offer it as a sacrifice to the saint.
While ascending the steep and winding road to the village, on the left side, one can see a weird creation of nature, formed by the weathering of the limestone. It is known by the name of ‘The Wedding’. The legend about it tells the story of en evil mother-in-law who cursed the wedding guests and they turned into rocks. From the last sharp bend in the road, before the village a formation can be seen in that same rock complex, resembling a lot a bear in a fury, standing on its two hind legs.
Territory: 52, 832 square meters
Height above sea level: 1262 m
Postal code: 2774
Phone code: 074409