Form the first day of the year, flickered with kookier games up to Dimitrovden in the late autumn the town celebrates old and new holidays. The holiday in the town of Bansko is announced by solemn ringing of the bells, with a stalk of wild geranium in hand, and if we keep to the tradition, the table ends up with sweet-course of rice pastry.
For over three decades from 17th until 24th of May are organised the holidays of the customs of Bansko. By them is opened the summer tourist season. Within the framework of the holidays could be visited ethnographic and culinary exhibitions, exhibitions of fine and applied arts, thematic evenings, dedicated to the humour of Bansko, songs, customs, at that time could be visited the exhibit of furniture 'Made-in-Bansko' that presents the traditions and the contemporary tendencies in the production and wood-carving.
In May, concurrently with the holidays of the tradition of Bansko is performed also the festival 'Among Three Mountains'. In it take part over 300 dance and song groups for authentic folklore in the region. At the same time is running the already become traditional survey of the national crafts and arts.
In the vicinity of 'Predela' in August biannually is performed the fair 'Pirin sings'. At this fair are presented performers, singers, dancers and musicians from all over the region.
By a tradition in August is organised the Summer Jazz Festival. In it take part popular musicians from the country and abroad. On the open scene at the square of Bansko the music turns into a key of understanding among people. The foreign guests and the grandmas-of-Bansko listen to it with equal delight. And understand it as well. Everyone in his or her own way.
The Day of Bansko (5th of October) and the Christmas (20th – 25th December) are also celebrated by large folk programs.
During the Bulgarian National Revival Bansko turns into one of the most significant trade and craft centres in Southeast Macedonia. Particularly large flourishment have the leather industry, the timber industry, and the wood-processing, water-milling, fulling-mill, etc. Upward along the riverside of Glazne River are developed a great number of workshops. In them are made barrels, cupboards, doors, turning processed legs of chairs and tables, wood mortars and cups, even the famous whistles of Bansko. Particularly great development has the field of saddle-making and iron-smithery. Besides the fact that they have made agricultural and forest tools of any kind, the masters have made ringing bells, candlesticks, weighs, manual mills, etc. The senior master Todor H. Radonov constructs complex machinery made of iron, and makes clock mechanisms. One of them nowadays clocks the time at the high bell-tower in Bansko, and the other one, even more elaborated, is situated in the Zograph monastery. Dozens of ancestors of the old master-craftsmen today carry around the fame of Bansko and the region with their fine wood carvings, colourful rag-carpets, fleecy and tufts rags. The fine products of the local creative master fascinate everyone that has visited the permanent ethnographic exhibition-bazaar in the Centre of Arts and Poetry in the town of Bansko. Some of the crafts turn into a family tradition. The traditionally strongly developed among the old crafts are the wood processing and the woodcarving in the region, whereas only in Bansko there are over 60 workshops. To continue with the tradition and the succession in this craft, in 1946 in the town of Bansko is established the Vocational High School in Forestry and Wood-processing. The present masters are mainly successors of the old families of craftsmen in Bansko. Most of them at present deal with wood processing and the production of furniture, smaller part - with woodcarving on furniture, and only few of them with making art products or souvenirs.
Fifty amateur groups and players are performing local songs in the style of the two-part song in Pirin, where the melody is sung (led) by one singer, and the second voice is superposed by the remaining singers. Usually there is no instrument for musical accompaniment, only the choir songs sometimes are accompanied by pipe or tambour. The group develops active concert activities.